Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Why Cleanse?

Guest Author; Melinda Baxter

Everywhere you turn these days there is information to be had and products to be purchased for cleansing. Most of instinctively realize that a cleanse could be a good thing for us. Most of us eat too much sugar and processed foods and drink more alcohol than is recommended by the FDA. So what does a cleanse actually accomplish and should you do one? I’ve done a myriad of cleanses personally so I know what I like to offer as a Health Coach. For me a cleanse is a way to calm inflammation in the body first and foremost. Many of us have inflammation in our bodies that we can’t necessarily feel. Systemic inflammation is the precursor to so many modern diseases ranging from Cancer to M.S. By reducing inflammatory foods our body can begin to repair itself and heal systems that are being taxed by the inflammation. A primary system that becomes damaged by our lifestyles and diets is the digestive system. Doing a whole foods based cleanse that allows you to eat and not starve but still reduce inflammation and reduce or remove negative symptoms is a lovely gift to your body!

January Cleansehttps://m.facebook.com/events/342569729218325

Melinda Baxter is a CHHC, CYT, LMT, FDN practicing in Woolwich, ME. To learn more about her and her cleanses please go to www.melindabaxter.com.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Surf To Heal

Guest Author Daniel Bolton, LMHC

Sometimes a problem has been a problem for so long it is difficult to recognize it. Even if you do recognize it the idea, alone, feels overwhelming. It’s also possible that you've thought about it for so long or that it is part of a repetitive pattern of thinking, that sitting around and talking about it, in and of itself, may not be enough to shake things up and get things moving in your life. In fact, if it is part of an anxiety process, talking about it repetitively may make the anxiety worse. Exercise has been shown in extensive research, some using brain scans, to significantly reduce anxiety.

As a therapist I can recommend every client that in addition to regular talk therapy they also take action and get into an exercise routine, and advise that those with low confidence in themselves do something they had in their mind they'd never be able to do. Changing the whole scene where we do the work, and actively applying these strategies is another option, which is what I've been doing most recently with Surf to Heal. I find that clients’ motivation outside the session wanes and it has long been documented that lack of progress in therapy is related to clients not applying similar recommendations independently outside of the session.

Part of the concept behind Surf to Heal is that immersing oneself in the water, and being part of the process of nature is healing in and of itself. This is also a concept inherent in Adventure Therapy, which has become quite popular in the last decade. Outside of the the inherent therapeutic effects of being in the ocean or connecting with nature, surfing is a great metaphor for life and overcoming hardships involved in it. It takes persistence and teaches each surfer, novice and veteran alike, that each challenge is an opportunity to either give up or learn from and become stronger. Surfing is also a great way to overcome fear. Who is not afraid being out in the open ocean, especially when a wave is walling up in front of you, while you are out there alone floating on a board. I believe most people think surfing is something they are not able to do. I certainly had this thought, but by going out and doing it, even on my worst days when all I did was fall, I overcame many self-limiting beliefs. Surfing was a large part of my own healing process a few years ago. Bottom line, why would I not make available something that I found so profoundly healing to others just because it seemed out of the norm?

My life and my practice is about overcoming fear, pain and adversity and coming out a stronger and more resilient person from it. This is what I want to share with people in need of guidance to navigate the fear, pain, and adversity they've experienced in their own life. I certainly don't believe that surfing can heal all wounds in and of itself, but there are certainly a lot of people who feel this way. In combination with guidance from a therapist, there is amazing potential to provide what people need to heal.

Daniel Bolton, LMHC

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Do you struggle with your weight and don’t know why?

Guest Author; Claudia Richey

This is one of the most common complaints I hear in my practice.

Weight issues and obesity have become an epidemic in our hemisphere. Most weight loss programs are a band aid that delivers a temporary fix with results that won’t last.

Yet your soul already knows there is a better solution to the problem.

Introducing Ayurveda. This ancient healing system from India has identified that there are different body types which react differently to food, lifestyle, and surroundings. Each of these body types, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, gain weight for different reasons, carry it in different areas of their body, and have different challenges in maintaining a healthy weight.

The Vata type, when unbalanced, tends to carry more weight around the hips, thighs, and lower abs. Pitta puts it on evenly, where as Kapha tends to gain it all round the torso and midsection.

Each of these types responds to different dietary measures, there is no one-fits-all approach.

Someone aiming to achieve a healthy body weight should follow a clean diet of fresh and easy to digest foods, including warm soups, stews and porridges. Avoiding processed food is just as important as getting nutrients from vibrant fresh fruits and vegetables every day.

To activate healthy digestion and a sluggish metabolism, try this tea that’s appropriate for all three Dosha Types:

Boil one liter of water with 1 tsp each crushed Fennel, Cumin and Coriander seed. Add 2-3 pieces of thinly sliced fresh Ginger. Let the tea simmer for ten minutes. Remove from heat and add Green Tea, 1 teabag or 1 tsp lose tea. Let steep for another 5 minutes, then fill your tea into a thermos and sip throughout the day.

Finding and maintaining your ideal body weight doesn’t have to be a struggle. Knowing your body and who you are plays a big role in your success.

Use your challenges and turn them into an enjoyable journey to discovering yourself!

By Claudia Richey, AWC, R.PT., R.AT., NWS, RYT

Take the Dosha quiz to begin your path to a new you! 

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Authentic Ayurvedic Body Treatments ~ A Guide to Get You Started

Guest Author; Christiane Erspamer

Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old healing system from India. The foundation of traditional Ayurveda is the belief that everything in the universe is composed of five elements: air, fire, earth, water, and ether, which intermix to form three doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha) that govern a person's body type, mental and emotional characteristics, and personality. Here is a brief introduction to some of the Ayurvedic treatments available today!

Abhyanga: A traditional Ayurvedic massage to bring balance to the doshas, increase circulation, and aid detoxification.

Garshana: The therapist wears raw silk gloves, briskly massaging the client. This vigorous treatment increases circulation, energy, toxin removal, and weight loss.

Kati basti: A massage using heat and specific medicated oils to address low-back pain and rigidity of the lower spine.

Pinda: The client is massaged using muslin bags full of rice, milk, and herbs. This is very relaxing and has a particular and unmistakable fragrance.

Pizzichilli: Large amounts of warm oil are poured over the body while the therapist performs massage. This treatment decreases muscle pain and brings flexibility to joints.

Swedana: An herbal steam treatment usually given after a massage. It is used for detoxification and balancing for vata and kapha types.

Udvartana: An invigorating massage delivered with the application of herbal paste, which increases circulation, stimulates weight loss, supports detoxification, and cleanses, exfoliates, and tones the skin.

Christiane Erspamer of Holistic Path, Licensed Massage Therapist, 
Registered Yoga Teacher, Certified Panchakarma Technician  

*For more on Christiane and Holistic Path visit http://holisticpathduluth.com

Friday, October 25, 2013

9 Tricks to Stop Worrying As Much

 Guest Author, Sandy Getzky

Worrying is a normal response to stress, but normal doesn't always mean it’s harmless. Spending too much time in this state of mind can lead you down the road to anxiety and cause a number of health issues. You could end up getting sick more often, getting less sleep and eating too much or too little. Thankfully, there are several ways for you to stop yourself from worrying so much.
Try these tips to keep the worrying at bay and start feeling calmer and more in control:
Practice mindfulness
This basically boils down to being more aware of your thoughts. Although this might sound like encouragement to continue worrying, it actually means that you passively let the thoughts go through your mind without letting them get to you.

Schedule time to worry:
Give yourself 30 minutes a day to focus on what’s bothering you, no matter how big or small those worries are. Whether it’s a fight with a friend, a big project at work or a bad case toenail fungus, don’t let those worries intrude on your thoughts at any other time of the day. During your worry session, come up with solutions to handle your problems.

Put it in writing:
Jot down your troubles on paper instead of leaving them floating around in your head. Being able to see your worries written out can help you deal with them more effectively. 

Say “om”: 
Set aside time for meditation on a daily basis. Meditating helps you feel less anxious and can help you worry less.

Give yourself a break:
Striving to live healthy is a noble goal, but don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t always do it. Skipping a workout session or eating an unhealthy snack on occasion isn't something to worry about. 

Don’t worry about worrying: 
You can’t always help feeling worried, and dwelling on the fact that you’re worrying isn’t going to help. Trying to stop yourself from doing any kind of worrying could actually backfire and make you more anxious.

Take technological timeouts:
Resist the urge to check your phone, email and social media sites several times throughout the day. Stay unplugged by doing something else, like going outside, taking a nap or reading a book instead.

Get physically active:
Doing a workout is a great way to ease anxiety and stay healthy. Exercise causes your brain to release more of the “feel good” chemical called serotonin.

Us your hands
If you tend to worry about serious issues or a traumatic event from your past, keeping your hands busy could prevent these thoughts from taking over your brain.

If doing all of the above seems overwhelming, just pick a few tips that appeal to you the most. You might find that your worries slip away more from practicing one of these tricks, or it might take a few to help you feel less anxious on a regular basis. Just remember that your goal is to worry less overall, not stop entirely. A little bit of worry can be a good thing if it makes you more productive at tackling problems.

The author Sandy Getzky is an associate editor at ProveMyMeds, a public health and education start-up focused on producing helpful resources concerning the treatment of common ailments.

Monday, October 14, 2013

The Pill Problem

 How to Protect Your Health from the Side Effects of Oral Contraceptives by Ross Pelton, R.Ph., CCN The Natural Pharmacist

The extensive list of side effects are unreal! Are we really leaving our health into the hands of pharmacists who only have their pockets as their priority rather than genuine interest in health?!

Know your body and know the truth
Side effect come in subtle waves or as obvious symptoms. Pay attention to how you feel, your body has your best interest as homeostasis is its ultimate job. Discuss with your physician the side effects that you notice, which may be the just the information your physician needs to determine if the medication you are prescribed is right for you. Health issues to be aware of may consist of:

  • Fatigue
  • Blood Clots
  • Birth Defects


To learn more order your copy of The Pill Problem today! 
The book gives you the information you need to make the best decisions on oral contraceptives. Ask yourself, do I really need these pills? Are there alternatives? Many times alternatives are immediate and have less side effects if any. Be mindful of what you put in your body, many drugs made by pharmaceutical companies are actually more harmful and only cover up annoying symptoms. The idea that you can be cured by a pill is false. Of course there are some cases that medication is necessary in this case, if alternative medications such as Naturopathic, Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine and other options are not helpful then synthetic alopathic pharmaceuticals may be in order. It is in your best interest to get as many physician opinions as possible, be sure to let your primary Doctor know before you plan to change your prescription plan. 


Here are a few links recommended by Ross Pelton. He is a great resource, and invites you to read these articles about some of the side effects associated with birth control pills. His goal is to educate women about the side effects of birth control pills and to let you know that there are some effective things that can be done to prevent these problems.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A Private History of Happiness ...Ninety-Nine Moments of Joy from Around the World - by George Myerson

A fresh compilation of collective moments from a variety of poets, authors, writers, philosophers, and legends from all around the world sharing their delight of happiness. Delve into this collection and experience moments of reflection on happiness. Find your happiness!
                                                                          ~  Wiesje Brion, Chief Editor of Mindful Magazine

What is happiness to you?
A hobby that gives you pleasure nothing else can offer. The sunshine, even as it peeks through the gloom of dark clouds. Exquisite art made to bring the natural beauty of a rainbow. A letter to a friend; Hans Christian Anderson.

Need a moment to see, feel, and explore where happiness can be found? 
As a writer and a lover of reading I find this collection inspiring and intriguing. My challenge to you is to explore your happiness. Journal it, and every time you need a moment of happiness you can remind yourself of your own moments of happiness. If you love to write, have a passion for poetry, or simply take note of your daily routine I encourage you to write a journal of thoughts as you never know where it can lead.


What others are saying...

"This book gives readers delightfully fresh perceptions of where and how happiness may be found..."
                                             ~ Clare Brant, author of Eighteenth-Century Letters and British Culture

 "...Overflowing with the simple pleasures of life..."
                             ~ J. Edward Chamberlin, author of If This Is Your Land, Where Are Your Stories?

"...Myerson brings these precious past moments back to life, and into our lives."
                                                                                              ~ Harry Eyres, Financial Times columnist

"...Across the barrier of time and culture, it collects for us in the simplest, most restful, most seductive way, the goodness of what it is for us to experience life as sentient human beings."
                                                                                   ~ Phyllis Tickle, compiler of The Divine Hours

Monday, May 27, 2013

Gift of Life

by Lisa Salaz

We are on a soul’s journey seeking our soul’s purpose. We all have a higher purpose; we come to Earth to be a part of a system of energy that deals with emotions, personality, and thoughts. This involves reflecting what is within you back to the outside world; this is your spiritual evolution.

A seed of passions & dreams has already been planted when your life begins here on this earth plane. Once you’re here your life is spontaneous and decided from moment to moment. There are no limits!!

Free will is an inner feeling, knowing that you own your own life – you’re the one in charge. This is essential for joy and bringing the light of your soul into your consciousness. Like the saying goes, you’re the captain of your ship! We lose our sense of freedom as a small child when many demands and expectations are placed on us, yet as a child we have more freedom than it would seem. A child is free to see things fresh and to respond in new ways. Their experiences are not categorized or analyzed based on past experiences; they’re in the moment and have natural reactions. As we grow, feelings of freedom become lost in the process of developing the mind by looking for patterns leading to a sense of losing free will. But by not allowing yourself to fall victim to that way of thinking, you gain your power back. Freedom is something you create for yourself; it isn’t given to you or taken away. You are free to listen and follow your own inner guidance, acting in ways that reflect your deepest truth – “my life is my own”.

Being able to accept new things, ideas, and people into your life creates an ever-expanding capacity for joy. Embracing new ways and being open to having more in your life, you create more in your life and become more skilled and wise. Your heart is the center of faith through trust and belief. Open your heart and be willing to step outside your comfort zone to experience the viewpoints of the world from different perspectives. Be the director and the producer of what occurs in your life; believe the future holds joy and promise. Become wiser, stronger, and more powerful in whatever you create.

Connect with your inner self and expose this to the world through your words and actions. This life gives you an opportunity to live in greater light and joy. Bringing love & joy to every aspect of your life, you will find laughter, peace, and delight. The universe brings many opportunities for you to expand and evolve. The tools and guidance will be available; all you have to do is accept the challenges to grow beyond the skills you have by learning and growing from everything you create.

Purpose represents movement of the soul, which is the energy that connects heaven and earth. I embrace all that I am and all that I can be.

Lisa Salaz
Lisa has heard the calling for greater service to help bring awareness and healing to others. Lisa’s inspiration is working with spiritual guides to open a connection shifting consciousness into a higher realm. The purpose of this connection is to awaken your life’s purpose and shift your energy to help you to align with a higher vibration that we all have. Lisa works with energy (chakras), her guide, angels, archangels, and loved ones on the other side to provide spiritual readings. Lisa also works with Quantum-touch using energy to promote healing; this is a magnificent source of love and energy that creates a powerful healing for the mind, body & soul. Lisa’s true desire is to bring light and sparkle to your existence.

Connect with Lisa
Inner Spirit Rhythm
Lisa Salaz @ Inner Spirit Rhythm
Office (970) 964-4580

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Eternal Journey

A piece from his self published collection of In Search of Silence by Chris Roe

Eternal Journey

As the crimson flame of life
Breaks slowly
Above the horizon,
The white, frosted meadows,
With trees and hedgerows
Of sculptured ice,
Speak loudly
Of your presence.

Once more
Upon this journey,
As another day begins,
Without effort
Or intrusion,
Through the peace
And tranquility
Of your silent voice,
The moment becomes eternal,
And the journey
Begins again.

View more of his work, www.silentflightpublications.co.uk 

Friday, May 10, 2013

Healthy Body Healthy Mind

You might be surprised to know that living healthy is what we do and what we don't do throughout the day. You might not. However, finding what that is may be frustrating for many.

A lot of what we've been told from the fitness industry changes over time. Why is this? Could this be that what works for one person simply does not for another? We as humans were are not created by one little cookie cutter; the same in all aspects. Determining your special needs is tricky, and can be done.

An ancient mind, body and spirit way of life. A healthy way of life. Have you hear of Ayurveda? What does this mean to you? These ancient Ayurvedic secrets have not really been a secret, but they have been misunderstood for thousands of years. In this time and culture we are more accepting of possibly unusual and forgotten rituals of healing. After all, each new generation thinks they know best. In some case of advancement this may be true but lets not throw away everything our fore fathers and mothers researched and practiced! Here is a test that will help determine your body type, Dosha Test.

The unforgiving word. Those who have tried to lose it have found it again and again. Its a stubborn part of our past pains we don't want to hold on to and yet we can't seem to stop indulging in its desires. I have a secret, well actually Claudia Richey has some secrets to share with you about "never having to diet again"! Yes, I said it! She has recently created a program that incorporates all the secrets of the fitness industry, ancient healthy lifestyles from Chinese Medicine to Ayurveda and so much more. She has really made it all quite easy to understand and to follow. Stop trying to figure it all out and follow Claudia's guidance. She knows what she's doing.

Breaking Free
It's your choice. Break free!

Listen to this recorded call. If this doesn't convince you I don't know what will. Maybe a call from Claudia Richey will do the trick.

Here is the link for her intro call Breaking Free. You will need to register with your email address to get access to the call recording.

Oh, and those who sign-up for her program by May 10 can receive the generous discount of $90 off. Register any time there after at the regular price.


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Mindfulness Can Help the Chronically Ill

 “Achieving mindfulness is important for everyone but especially for the chronically ill patient. A diagnosis of a chronic condition at any age, such as cancer, diabetes, stroke, neurological disease, or debilitating injury, unleashes a flood of negative emotions and concerns that can overwhelm and immobilize the patient” says author Richard Cheu, author of Living Well with Chronic Illness: a Practical and Spiritual Guide. Typical emotions, including fear, grief, anxiety, anger and despair, only make things worst. He defines mindfulness as “a calm mind and a peaceful heart” which can counteract these concerns and improve the patient’s mental, physical and spiritual health. It gives the patient courage and strength to focus on achieving the important things in life.

In his book, CHEU shows the reader how to overcome limiting thoughts and feelings and expand life beyond chronic illness. Specific actions to achieve mindfulness include:
  • Take charge of your emotions and thoughts
  • Let go of negative emotional baggage that is holding you back
  • Develop a new perspective and plan for the future
  • Use your illness for personal transformation.

A chronically ill patient, like a wounded warrior, is often times in shock and unable to take even the smallest step forward. If, however, the patient will ask, “What do I do now?” others will reach out to help. If it takes a proverbial village to raise a child, it takes a virtual army to support a patient with a chronic condition. The patient’s helpers can includes an ever-changing cast of healthcare providers (doctors, therapists, nurses, aides, and social workers), support groups, caregivers, family members and friends.

Achieving mindfulness is not a do-it-yourself project. The patient who says “I’ll take care of myself” is like a ship’s captain without a crew. The ship is headed for a disaster. The path to mindfulness begins with an openness to change and a willingness to acknowledge that accepting help is a sign of strength and not weakness.  Only then can others reach out and accompany the patient on a journey to a calm mind and a peaceful heart.

The Author

Richard Cheu is an author, ordained deacon and hospital chaplain in the Archdiocese of New York, stress-management consultant, and caregiver. He provides pastoral counseling at Bellevue Hospital, the Visiting Nurse Service inpatient hospice, and other New York City medical facilities. He formerly was a neurophysiologist and Emergency Medical Technician.

His new book, Living Well with Chronic Illness: a Practical and Spiritual Guide, will be released on April 2, 2013. For additional information visit www.ChronicLivingWell.com

Please comment below with your experience of 
Living Well with Chronic Illness by Richard Cheu.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Top Ten FREE SEO Tools

I just finished up an incredibly resourceful webinar on SEO Tools this morning and I can honestly say that I highly recommend this course to anyone and everyone. The course is so easy to learn!

It is true that with a bit of research a small few of you can find some of these free tools, but it is a lot of work. The biggest issue most of us have is that we don't know about these tools and more importantly, we do not know how to properly use them.  Jason McDonald can teach you how to use the tools you need to gain the business you deserve without the high costs of advertising and webmasters.


What Does This Mean For Me
If you have a website, own your own business, want to start your own business, create websites, work on a computer, or a consumer this is for you!
Do you wonder why and how each business is listed in the search engines such as Google and Bing? Did you know that you actually have some power over this? If you want your business to come up as one of the top three business's when someone is looking for what you can offer, then you can't afford to not  take these courses. Each course is specific to one or two of the top ten tools. In each course you will receive a full walk through of how to find the tools and what to do with them. Jason will help you fit these skills into your specific business and teach you the tricks that search engines understand. Knowing the language is key to communicate what you and your business can offer to the public. If by the end of each course you still have questions, your questions will be addressed. Classes are reasonably priced. I have never seen a course like this before. You won't be disappointed.
 Sign up today! 


Monday, February 4, 2013

Attention All Mindful Readers and Advertisers!

Important Update! 
Where has the Mindful Magazine Team gone? What are they up to now?

We at Mindful Magazine are taking a sabbatical. We hope to be back soon with an even better digital publication format and an updated website with new features! If you have any thoughts, suggestions or ideas that may help; please comment or email usIf you are not currently a subscriber, we strongly encourage you to subscribe to receive the newest updates, event news and more through our monthly e-newsletter. Subscribe Here. Subscription is free and you can unsubscribe at any time.

While away on sabbatical, we are offering a limited Advertising Promotion (Ends August 31, 2013). Here is what you get: An article/blog post, an ad on Mindful Magazine's website, and a promoted Facebook and Twitter post. All for only $75. All posts and ads are subject to approval by the Mindful Magazine team. Connect with us for more details.

If you are interested in advertising in our next digital issue of Mindful Magazine  contact us for more details.  Our competitive prices are unbeatable and won't last long!

Stay connected with our blog! You can follow our blog by simply, inputting your email address in the field to your right — FOLLOW BY EMAIL — then SUBMIT! While we are brainstorming and re-inventing our Mindful Magazine digital publication format, we will still be posting mindful articles and inspiration right here on our blog. Don't miss out!


Friday, February 1, 2013

Refusing to FAIL! Janette's Journey

Janette's Weight Loss Story of Health and Wellness
 “My heaviest weight was 408 pounds. I stayed away from the scale for many years, but I knew I had to find out exactly where I was starting. I believe that my weight gain was related to the many tragic losses I experienced in my life. I lost my older and only sister, little brother, father and mother. I became an emotional eater and I ran to food for comfort. I remember feeling like I was literally going to eat myself to death. I did not have a stop button. I felt this way for many years. I could not distinguish the difference between physical hunger and emotional hunger. My weight at that time represented all the pain I felt internally; in retrospect it was a symptom to deeper issues.

I embarked on this weight loss journey many times before, but after many failures I tried again. A heavier person has a different experience than that of individuals viewed as normal or average weight. And in most cases the feedback from others may lead to overeating, especially for those who are emotional eaters as I once was. I often tell individuals who battle with emotional eating to take it 1 step at a time, 1 healthy choice at a time, and 1 pound at a time. My motivations for losing weight were many. I was tired of merely existing. I wanted to live. I wanted to fit into booths in restaurants. I did not want to worry whether I could fit into a classroom desk or not; nor how far from class I had to walk to my car. I wanted to play with my children without getting winded or saying maybe later. I wanted to walk and not worry about constant back pain. 

I lost weight by totally changing my eating habits. I started by calorie counted and later began to watch my sugar, carbohydrate and sodium intake. I generally consume lean meats, fruits and veggies. I drastically limited any processed foods. I drink a gallon of water each day and I exercise 4 to 6 times a week; anywhere from 1 to 3 hours a day. I did not have a trainer or surgery. My diet is what I created for myself.

My breaking point was March 2011, when I received a seat belt ticket because I was too large to buckle up. I would not have believed this was possible if I had not done it myself. Today I am 175lbs; that is a 233lb loss. I think it is amazing what the body can do once you believe it is possible; I want to encourage others to not stop. You must keep going, keep trying, and never give up!”

— By Janette Colantonio

Follow Jannette and her story on Facebook.
Janette, thank you for sharing your story with the world. You are truly an inspiration to so many!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Are you HOOPING to lose weight this season?

Read about a pioneering entrepreneur taking charge of her life and inspiring others to be fit while having fun. 

Phat Hoops started in 2010 building and selling weighted sport hoops in Clark County.  Since then they have grown and now are a part of many organizations to help get everyone hooping in our community.  From sponsoring the hoop contest at the Clark County Fair to working with Young Women in Action, they have dedicated themselves to helping others lose inches and have fun doing it!  A Phat Hoop is a great addition to your exercise program. You can use it as part of an overall fitness program, to add variety to your workouts, or simply as a fun way to get more active.  Phat Hoops are bigger and heavier than traditional hoops.  This makes it easier to keep going and gives you the ability to do it for a longer period of time. Hooping is a low intensity workout that burns about 200 calories in 30 minutes and allows you to have fun while losing excess inches!  No more crunches and sit-ups that could strain your back and your neck.
Here are just a few more of the benefits:
Tones Muscles
Because your muscles must be in constant motion to keep the hoop moving, hooping is an easy way to tone and strengthen the muscles in the abdomen, hips and legs. Phat Hoops are larger, weighted hoops with more resistance to strengthen muscles faster.

Builds Coordination
In order to keep a Phat Hoop moving, you must move in a steady rhythm with good timing. Using a Phat Hoop may seem challenging at first, but the more you do it the easier it becomes as your coordination increases.

Fun Activity
One of the best benefits of hooping is that it is just plain fun. Using a hoop is a great way for adults to reconnect with their inner child and play. You can hoop to music or with others to make it even more enjoyable.
Learn more about how to get your custom made hoop – sports colors to school colors. Get creative!

Phat Hoops

Become a fan on Facebook

Happy Hooping!
Trina Latshaw 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Dollar Per Month™ (DPM™) has announced it’s three charity partnerships for January 2013

Seattle, Washington — January 1, 2013

Dollar Per Month™ (DPM™) has announced it’s three charity partnerships for January 2013. The online non-profit fundraising site raises money for different charity partners every month, by having members donate as little as a dollar per month to their selected organizations. Proceeds from January membership donations will go to Generation Rescue, Giving Children Hope, and Kids in Need Foundation.

Generation Rescue is the leading national organization that provides hope, information and immediate treatment assistance to families affected by autism spectrum disorders.  Jenny McCarthy says, “I remember the day Evan was diagnosed with autism like it was yesterday. The doctor told me there was no hope or help for him. Thankfully I found Generation Rescue and was inspired by the parents before me to find a different answer”. In support of the DollarPerMonth.org partnership with Generation Rescue, Jenny has provided 6 free signed books for a giveaway. You can enter here, no donation or purchase required: http://bit.ly/ZQAvE6

Giving Children Hope works with diverse individuals and communities both locally and around the world, supplying projects that address and focus on the needs of children and serve the poor. They promote family sustainability, economic independence, and self-sufficiency so that children may grow in stable environments.

Kids in Need Foundation’s mission is to ensure that every child is prepared to learn and succeed by providing free school supplies nationally to students most in need. School supplies to students and teachers through the Kids In Need National Network of Resource Centers, teachers are awarded grants, and school supplies are given to needy communities.

Doug Clerget, co-founder of DPM™ believes DollarPerMonth.org is a unique way to give to charity because it handpicks deserving charities monthly and conveniently presents them to our members, who often have busy lifestyles. More importantly, our members are exposed to new and important charity organizations they may not have been aware of previously.”

Each month, DPM™ selects three charities for members to vote on. DPM™ then posts information about the charities to help members evaluate each and make their vote.  DPM™ has already carefully investigated and evaluated all three charities to ensure they are reputable, making a positive impact on the world and that the vast majority of donations will go directly to the cause.  The winning charity receives 50% of the community donations, the 2nd receives 30%, and the 3rd receives 20% – no charity loses!

To sign up as a member, please visit www.DollarPerMonth.org.

To schedule an interview or to get more information about DPM™ or their
January partners please contact:
Maile Cabral
Maile@Cabral EdwardsManagement.com

Doug Clerget
We at Mindful Magazine love what Dollar Per Month™ represents. 
They make it so easy to GIVE BACK! 

We had a chance to interview Doug Clerget, co-founder of DPM™ you can read 
the whole interview HERE (page 12) or watch it on MindfulTV.