Saturday, December 28, 2013

Authentic Ayurvedic Body Treatments ~ A Guide to Get You Started

Guest Author; Christiane Erspamer

Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old healing system from India. The foundation of traditional Ayurveda is the belief that everything in the universe is composed of five elements: air, fire, earth, water, and ether, which intermix to form three doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha) that govern a person's body type, mental and emotional characteristics, and personality. Here is a brief introduction to some of the Ayurvedic treatments available today!

Abhyanga: A traditional Ayurvedic massage to bring balance to the doshas, increase circulation, and aid detoxification.

Garshana: The therapist wears raw silk gloves, briskly massaging the client. This vigorous treatment increases circulation, energy, toxin removal, and weight loss.

Kati basti: A massage using heat and specific medicated oils to address low-back pain and rigidity of the lower spine.

Pinda: The client is massaged using muslin bags full of rice, milk, and herbs. This is very relaxing and has a particular and unmistakable fragrance.

Pizzichilli: Large amounts of warm oil are poured over the body while the therapist performs massage. This treatment decreases muscle pain and brings flexibility to joints.

Swedana: An herbal steam treatment usually given after a massage. It is used for detoxification and balancing for vata and kapha types.

Udvartana: An invigorating massage delivered with the application of herbal paste, which increases circulation, stimulates weight loss, supports detoxification, and cleanses, exfoliates, and tones the skin.

Christiane Erspamer of Holistic Path, Licensed Massage Therapist, 
Registered Yoga Teacher, Certified Panchakarma Technician  

*For more on Christiane and Holistic Path visit

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