Friday, May 10, 2013

Healthy Body Healthy Mind

You might be surprised to know that living healthy is what we do and what we don't do throughout the day. You might not. However, finding what that is may be frustrating for many.

A lot of what we've been told from the fitness industry changes over time. Why is this? Could this be that what works for one person simply does not for another? We as humans were are not created by one little cookie cutter; the same in all aspects. Determining your special needs is tricky, and can be done.

An ancient mind, body and spirit way of life. A healthy way of life. Have you hear of Ayurveda? What does this mean to you? These ancient Ayurvedic secrets have not really been a secret, but they have been misunderstood for thousands of years. In this time and culture we are more accepting of possibly unusual and forgotten rituals of healing. After all, each new generation thinks they know best. In some case of advancement this may be true but lets not throw away everything our fore fathers and mothers researched and practiced! Here is a test that will help determine your body type, Dosha Test.

The unforgiving word. Those who have tried to lose it have found it again and again. Its a stubborn part of our past pains we don't want to hold on to and yet we can't seem to stop indulging in its desires. I have a secret, well actually Claudia Richey has some secrets to share with you about "never having to diet again"! Yes, I said it! She has recently created a program that incorporates all the secrets of the fitness industry, ancient healthy lifestyles from Chinese Medicine to Ayurveda and so much more. She has really made it all quite easy to understand and to follow. Stop trying to figure it all out and follow Claudia's guidance. She knows what she's doing.

Breaking Free
It's your choice. Break free!

Listen to this recorded call. If this doesn't convince you I don't know what will. Maybe a call from Claudia Richey will do the trick.

Here is the link for her intro call Breaking Free. You will need to register with your email address to get access to the call recording.

Oh, and those who sign-up for her program by May 10 can receive the generous discount of $90 off. Register any time there after at the regular price.


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