Sunday, December 29, 2013

Do you struggle with your weight and don’t know why?

Guest Author; Claudia Richey

This is one of the most common complaints I hear in my practice.

Weight issues and obesity have become an epidemic in our hemisphere. Most weight loss programs are a band aid that delivers a temporary fix with results that won’t last.

Yet your soul already knows there is a better solution to the problem.

Introducing Ayurveda. This ancient healing system from India has identified that there are different body types which react differently to food, lifestyle, and surroundings. Each of these body types, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, gain weight for different reasons, carry it in different areas of their body, and have different challenges in maintaining a healthy weight.

The Vata type, when unbalanced, tends to carry more weight around the hips, thighs, and lower abs. Pitta puts it on evenly, where as Kapha tends to gain it all round the torso and midsection.

Each of these types responds to different dietary measures, there is no one-fits-all approach.

Someone aiming to achieve a healthy body weight should follow a clean diet of fresh and easy to digest foods, including warm soups, stews and porridges. Avoiding processed food is just as important as getting nutrients from vibrant fresh fruits and vegetables every day.

To activate healthy digestion and a sluggish metabolism, try this tea that’s appropriate for all three Dosha Types:

Boil one liter of water with 1 tsp each crushed Fennel, Cumin and Coriander seed. Add 2-3 pieces of thinly sliced fresh Ginger. Let the tea simmer for ten minutes. Remove from heat and add Green Tea, 1 teabag or 1 tsp lose tea. Let steep for another 5 minutes, then fill your tea into a thermos and sip throughout the day.

Finding and maintaining your ideal body weight doesn’t have to be a struggle. Knowing your body and who you are plays a big role in your success.

Use your challenges and turn them into an enjoyable journey to discovering yourself!

By Claudia Richey, AWC, R.PT., R.AT., NWS, RYT

Take the Dosha quiz to begin your path to a new you! 

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