Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Mindful Wellness

Wellness in mind and body is like the pendulum affect. Your body is in constant homeostasis (a relatively stable state of equilibrium or a tendency toward such a state between the different but interdependent elements or groups of elements of an organism, population, or group). Merriam-Webster* Living well isn't having luxuries money can buy, although it may seem as if it were easier if we just had this or that. Living well is being happy with what you do have and knowing what that is, is key.

We at Mindful want to guide you to wellness. Ask yourself, “What brings me back to balance?” Does a monthly massage get you back on track? Breathing in the clean air on a mountain top on a sunny day? Sand in your toes, maybe you can't go to the beach every weekend but you can make yourself a Zen garden in your yard. Maybe, you like to learn new things and have been dying to take a nutrition class but just keep putting it off. If going to the gym is your thing, make time for it. Sometimes, Space Clearing or Energy work is just what you need to start fresh.

Find what makes you; You on your very best day and remember to nurture that part of yourself with what ever it is that brings you balance. In doing so be mindful of change; mindful of change in the mind, in the body and all around you. How does season affect you? Do you need something different in the winter than in the summer? How about a warm soothing body treatment? A trip to the Chiropractor may be the trick to getting your health stable. Do you need to change your diet or supplement with herbal remedies? Knowing yourself may take a little mindfulness on your part but your body and mind will thank you for it. 

Remember what the flight attendants says just before take off … “secure your own mask before helping others.” Take care of yourself before you take care of others. This is true in life and will keep you at full strength. Give your body and mind what it needs and it will take care of you. You deserve that!

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